
CIMPA Research School: Geometric methods in combinatorics




Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school has been postponed. The new date of the conference will be June 15-26 of 2021.


Welcome to the webpage of the seventh edition of "Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria (ECCO)” (Colombian Combinatorics Meeting). It will take place in Bogotá, Colombia and will be hosted by Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad Sergio Arboleda. The previous meetings took place in Bogotá (2003, 2008, 2012, and 2014), Medellín (2016) and Barranquilla (2018); see the history here. The main objective of the school is to bring young mathematicians from the region into close contact with international researchers and leading experts in various fields of combinatorics and its applications. The aim is to promote mathematical research among young students in a motivating environment, and to consolidate a regional research network in combinatorics.

The two weeks of the school consist of four mini courses with exercise sessions, two plenary lectures, a SageMath tutorial, and research talks given by the participants. The program is structured around the students, and all the participants, independent of their career stage, are highly encouraged to take part of the exercise sessions and the other activities.

The event will feature a variety of talks proposed by the participants. Priority will be given to young mathematicians from the region.


Universidad de los Andes



Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Location for the second week